Monday, September 13, 2010

Team New Beige :: KCR :: Steel Cyclocross

Kevin's got a new paint scheme for his cross rig this year, and no it's not beige**... that's the new team. Introducing Team New Beige, the new IF Factory team consisting of Kevin, Clint and Ron.

If you didn't see this bike this weekend in Bedford MA, you're bound to see it soon at any number of the New England CX races scheduled for this season.

Built to shred, this machine was put together in true cyclocross fashion, with a host of new parts and many scavenged from bikes of seasons past.

Why does the world need a new beige? Because the old one is boring, Team New Beige is going to change that.

**Kevin, Clint and Ron's new 3 person team has nothing to do with the color beige. Viva New Beige! (BTW, their team name must only be said with a Portuguese accent)

- t.e.


  1. Nice! single ring up front looks very clean-what's on the frame side to keep things running smoothly?

  2. It's a Jump-Stop cable guide. Easily adjustable, light, and clean.

  3. Holy crap - that's nice. You guys never fail to impress.


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