Monday, March 7, 2011

NAHBS 2011 :: We win!

Some folks don't like the awards at NAHBS, but that's just because they didn't win!

Austin was a great venue, made even sweeter by Shawn taking home the cash and prizes for "Best TIG Welded Bike" for our prototype ti Factory Lightweight SS Deluxe.

Awards are handed out in essentially three categories; 1) type (e.g., road, off-road, commuter, track), 2) materials (e.g., steel, carbon, titanium), and 3), construction method (e.g., lugged, fillet brazed, tig-welded).

We've now won in every category, which is very gratifying as it shows our versatility as builders; 2007 for Best Track, 2009 for Best Carbon, and now 2011 for Best Tig Welded.

Here are some more pics of the award winning bike:

The show really is about a rendezvous of folks who share a passion for bikes and the various lifestyles around them.

Not sure what was better, winning the award, or the sweet potato pecan pie that we had for desert after our celebratory dinner.

It was a blast, thanks to Don and Lesley for putting on such a great show, and thanks to all of you who stopped by to say hello and check out our stuff.

Check out all of the NAHBS 2011 award winners here. See you all in Sacramento next year.


  1. That was the only frame that aroused me in an awkward way:

  2. Thanks, but please call your doctor if it lasts for more than four hours!

  3. Hi guys!

    First of all, congratulations for the prize!

    Last Sunday while I was waiting my cycling friends I saw passing a guy with a IF roadbike wearing a complete summer kit and a vest, that was in Barcelona, Spain, and he was climbing to Tibidabo, our nearest peak from the city.

  4. What a nice ride...sigh....

  5. Placed an order for one but due to sizing limitations the frame can't be built to the specs I wanted.... sigh... Wanted this frame soooooo badly. Back to the original Ti Deluxe order then....

  6. beee yootiful. Congrats IF on the win. Still wondering why my IF grassroots team issued bat phone hasn't rung to test that prototype in northern california for a season ;)

  7. OK, I'm in love with this bike, Plagiarism may reveal its ugly head :0... What color orange did you use?

  8. it is impressive the design that it has and it looks cooler that it is quite important. I hope that I can get something similar with safemeds contest.


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