Monday, July 4, 2011

On the Move :: Dark Side of the Moon

Happy Birthday America, and wishing you all a great 4th of July full of bikes, barbeque, family, friends, and sun.

We are now officially on the move, and have entered the zone where we are between factories... a bit like being on the dark side of the moon.

Our equipment has been picked up by the amazing folks at Cote Riggers. These guys were a pro act, operating like a precision machine. They came in and picked up our heavy equipment and placed it on their trucks like it was no big deal. Here's a video of their loaded trucks departing:

It turns out that the heavy equipment was the easiest part of this stage of the move. Sorting, packing and cleaning out 16 years worth of accumulated stuff was a far more challenging job. The crew worked non-stop to get it done. Along the way we hosted a "give-away" of excess materials and equipment for our friends in the local frame building community. Marty at Geekhouse did a nice shout out blog post here.

Despite giving away as much as we could, we still ended up filling two 30 foot roll-offs with scrap metal and equipment, not to mention having our normal dumpster tipped daily throughout the week.

Chris and Brian came up from Circle A to dismantle our old Binks spray booth and haul it back to their shop over the course of two days. It was a dirty and hard job performed by two of the nicest guys in the business, and it feels good to know that they will put the booth to good use painting many more frames in the years to come.

After we closed the door on the last load in the box truck, we took one final look around the old shop and said our goodbyes.

I'm incredibly proud of the team. They worked extremely hard to pull off an epic task, even after the paint and shipping crew had worked for the past 25 days straight, doing their best to complete as many orders as possible before we shut down to move.

After some much needed rest over the holiday weekend, we'll be working hard to get our new home set up and running.

We'll be dark for the next few days as we get our phone and computer systems up and running on 55 Main Street in Newmarket, so please be patient with us.




  1. Thanks to the team's hard work before the move (my ride was among the last to be painted @ Joy, I hear)!

  2. Awesome stuff! I can't wait to see photos of the new workshop coming together.

    Don't take too long setting up though please - my bike is in the queue :-)

  3. If the "Live the Dream" plank was left behind could someone please save that for me ... when I visited Somerville in 2006 that sign left a lasting impression for I felt like it was the ethos of the brand. Seriously I would love to have that if it was left behind and perhaps someone could hold for me? Can't wait to see the first locker photos and hear stories about the new place. Hope to visit for a fitting once you guys are settled.

  4. Its really awesome... don't make it longer.. Cant wait to see the new stuff..

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  5. Nice and awesome videos. I was hoping to see Optimus Primus.


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