This was one of our
NAHBS bikes from 2008. It was the first IF lugged bike. The frame, fork and stem were all built and polished in-house at IF... under the cover of darkness. It's been riding the streets of Boston since the show ended.

The entire
tubeset is Reynolds 953 stainless steel paired with
Pacenti "Slant Six" stainless steel lugs. The stainless fork crown is also from Kirk
Pacenti. The stainless stem parts are from
Llewellyn in Australia.

Featuring a brazed in stainless steel top tube protector.

Our friend from the land of Japan,
Daisuke Yano (also our Japanese distributor), brought the Kashimax Five Gold Olympic double strap toe straps over when he came for a visit.

The titanium
seatpost is from Kent
The hubs (graciously donated) are from Cape Cod
hub maker LeVeL.
Craig (A.K.A. "The Jerk") hooked me up with the sweet hoops, never built up, still in original packaging Campy Epsilon.... clinchers. They were hidden in the basement of International Bicycle... for a long, long time.

Just to be clear: we have no plans to produce lugged bicycles at Independent Fabrication, or forks, or stems.